26 research outputs found

    New perspectives for the diagnosis and planning of urban mobility after COVID-19: the case study of Cartagena

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    Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) are increasingly popular planning tools in cities with environmental issues where numerous actions are usually proposed to reduce pollution from urban transport. The impact of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 on urban pollution in our cities is a proven fact, although its mechanisms are not known in great detail. The change in urban mobility patterns due to the restrictions imposed on the population during lockdown is a phe-nomenon that can be parameterized and studied from the perspective of spatial analysis. This study proposes an analysis of the guiding parameters of these changes from the perspective of spatial analysis. To do so, the case study of the city of Cartagena, a medium-sized city in Spain, has been analyzed throughout the period of mobility restrictions due to COVID-19. By means of a geosta-tistical analysis, changes in urban mobility patterns and the modal distribution of transport have been correlated with the evolution of environmental air quality indicators in the cit

    Retro-diagnosis methodology for land consumption analysis towards sustainable future scenarios: Application to a mediterranean coastal area

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    Land consumption is a good indicator to directly diagnose present and future imbalances in territories, and indirectly, possible issues associated to the management of other resources. Therefore, after reaching the target of standardizing urban research that makes it possible to build healthier and greener cities, the real challenge for the future is to make the leap from urban scale to regional scale and deploy these policies in an integrated manner, in so-called "smart territories". In that context, this paper presents a model of multidisciplinary analysis through indicators based in land consumption and transformation rates. The model, called GIS-LiDAR retrospective analysis, is implemented through territorial information tools in order to simulate and diagnose possible future imbalances based on past and current trends. This innovative methodology will be applied in a Spanish Mediterranean coastal area called the Campo de Cartagena, a territory with issues related to low-density urban sprawl, intensive agriculture and mass tourism coastal urbanization. This territory of high economic activity and with important environmental protected areas like the Mar Menor lagoon as well as complex interrelated phenomena will be "retrohistorically" diagnosed from the perspective of land transformation over 60 years. The method, designed to advance future scenarios and help planners in decision-making, will show dangerous current trends leading to imbalances in this area so that future planning can be implemented with smart (sustainable) criteria

    GIS assessment of mass tourism anthropization in sensitive coastal environments: Application to a case study in the Mar Menor area

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    On the Mediterranean coast, the tourism activity which has developed since the 1950s has become a mass tourism industry in recent decades, cohabitating with natural spaces of high environmental value. These sensitive areas are thus subjected to a varied catalog of anthropizing actions (urbanization of the natural soil, modification of the dune balances by the construction of port infrastructures, alteration of marine ecosystems by recreational activities, etc.). All these inter-related elements are often difficult to analyze in a comprehensive way because of their diffuse nature. This paper proposes a methodology based on GIS analysis for the evaluation of diffuse anthropization associated to tourism in sensitive coastal environments. By using different indicators of territorial transformation, a complete method is proposed to establish the index of diffuse anthropization of a territory. This methodology, which is easily applicable in a generalized manner in different cases for developed countries, will be applied in the Mar Menor, a coastal lagoon area in the Mediterranean that has been suffering from mass tourism during recent decades. The results will show the important impact of several actions linked to tourism and the worrying inertia that the current trend can cause in the lagoon’s ecosystem

    Integrated management in coastal lagoons of highly complexity environments: Resilience comparative analysis for three case-studies

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    Enclosed coastal seas are usually high environmental value territories that are located, in many cases, indeveloped countries often subjected to a large catalog of anthropic activities such as tourism, agricultureor industry. These more difficult to manage cases are precisely those that require more complexmechanisms to both diagnose their needs as well as to implement measures that allow the cohabitationbetween existing activities and the preservation of the natural values of these territories.This article analyzes the link between the lagoon and such activities from a multidisciplinary approach.This new perspective is raised toward implementing integrated analysis methodologies using indicatorsthat determine global diagnostics capable of being compared from one lagoon to another in differentparts of the world. To this end, a comparative study has been developed of three highly complex caseslocated in three different continents: the Salton Sea in America, the Mar Menor in Europe and the MarChica in Africa. Through the implementation of GIS-LiDAR analysis tools, an integrated assessment of thesituation and the challenges facing these three lagoons will be set out in order to help solve their currentissues. The results will enable to highlight the ability of the lagoons to absorb the impacts of the activitiesthat surround them and guide us to where their future management should be routed

    The Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) of the Mar Menor as a model for the future in the comprehensive management of enclosed coastal seas

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    The Mar Menor, a coastal lagoon in south-eastern Spain of high environmental value and protected by the Natura 2000 network, suffered an intense phenomenon of eutrophication in 2015. This phenomenon generated a change of colour and important increase in the turbidity of its waters, which caused the loss of 85% of its marine vegetal cover in 2016 and great social alarm. The various regulations and tools of environmental protection that exist have not worked properly to avoid the anthropization of this enclosed coastal sea, which is subjected to a varied catalogue of human activities that encompass mass tourism, agriculture, mining, fishing or the important presence of ports and infrastructures, among others. In this context, the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) of the Mar Menor is put in place as an innovative model of integrated strategy for coastal zone management (ICZM) to overcome the shortcomings of previous management systems. This paper analyzes the process to implement this new model of comprehensive governance in the Mar Menor. The work is based on the use of participatory mechanisms for collaboration with stakeholders, in order to reach an integrated diagnosis and propose comprehensive solutions that involve all actors related to the current situation. The model performs the socio-ecological system of the Mar Menor (SESMM) that physically surpasses the geographic surface of the lagoon managed by traditional environmental tools. In this way, four different areas of influence of the lagoon are diagnosed and integrated into a sectoral action plan with the help of GIS tools in a process called "GIS participatory mapping”. The analysis carried out shows how the origin of the lagoon's main problems often lie many kilometres away from the lagoon itself and thus the situation needs to be addressed from a multidisciplinary perspective to find effective solutions. The results will help us set up a new management framework to achieve the recovery of the lagoon and sustainable future cohabitation among the existing activities. The approach taken (which can be easily exported to other coastal areas with complex environmental problems associated with diffuse anthropization) shows the importance of proposing analysis methodologies that are capable of involving all stakeholders to achieve sustainable solutions over time

    Long-term GIS analysis of seaside impacts associated to infrastructures and urbanization and spatial correlation with coastal vulnerability in a Mediterranean area

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    The relationship between the impacts of coastal perimeter transformations derived from human activity and coastal vulnerability is not easy to assess. The impacts associated with coastal dynamics are phenomena that usually develop very extensively over a considerable time. These are transformations that cause significant environmental damage in vulnerable coastal areas, but whose results are very often not really visible until 10, 20, or even 40 years have elapsed. In addition, the analysis and quantification of the current context in complex territories is particularly difficult, since the spatial feedback of various issues and its consequences can generate an uncertain scenario with many interrelated variables. In this field, the use of GIS tools can be of great help to objectively analyze the relationship between coastal anthropization and its impact on its vulnerability in order to correct wrong inertias in vulnerable coastal areas. To this end, a long-term GIS analysis has been carried out of the impacts from urbanization and seaside infrastructures suffered by a complex Mediterranean coastal area in Spain. This territory, with singular elements such as dune ridges, beaches located in protected areas, and a coastal lagoon, will be evaluated using GIS spatio-temporal indicators over the last 90 years and geostatistical correlation methods. This approach will allow us to better understand the relationship between territorial transformations on the coast and the current coastal vulnerability of this area

    Manual para la integración urbana de las infraestructuras ferroviarias: caso Cartagena

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    La integración urbana de las grandes infraestructuras de comunicación en las principales ciudades de España es una problemática actual que aúna disciplinas tan distintas como la planificación y gestión urbanística, diseño geotécnico y estructural y la correcta evaluación económica. La llegada del AVE a las ciudades se ha postergado como último punto de la planificación ferroviaria española al ser el punto más complejo por su difícil encaje en la trama urbana. El presente trabajo analiza la problemática global a nivel nacional y disecciona en detalle las situaciones de distintos casos de especial interés surgidos en distintas ciudades. Por último, se propone la realización de una propuesta para la ciudad de Cartagena, un proyecto en estos momentos pendiente. El manual sirve de base y enunciado para el trabajo del curso 2014-2015 de la asignatura “Planificación y Gestión Territorial” de 2º curso del Master de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT).Planificación y Gestión TerritorialMáster de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puerto

    Geostatistical analysis of the spatial correlation between territorial anthropization and flooding vulnerability: Application to the DANA Phenomenon in a Mediterranean watershed

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    Climate change is making intense DANA (depresión aislada en niveles altos) type rains a more frequent phenomenon in Mediterranean basins. This trend, combined with the transformation of the territory derived from diffuse anthropization processes, has created an explosive cocktail for many coastal towns due to flooding events. To evaluate this problem and the impact of its main guiding parameters, a geostatistical analysis of the territory based on GIS indicators and an NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) analysis is developed. The assessment of the validity of a proposed methodology is applied to the case study of the Campo de Cartagena watershed located around the Mar Menor, a Mediterranean coastal lagoon in Southeastern Spain. This area has suffered three catastrophic floods derived from the DANA phenomenon between 2016 and 2019. The results show that apart from the effects derived from climate change, the real issue that amplifies the damage caused by floods is the diffuse anthropization process in the area, which has caused the loss of the natural hydrographic network that traditionally existed in the basin

    Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio: manual de teoría

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    El urbanismo es el conjunto de disciplinas que se encarga del estudio de los asentamientos humanos para su diagnóstico, comprensión e intervención. El urbanismo utiliza a la geografía urbana como herramienta fundamental, e intenta comprender los procesos urbanos a fin de planificar las intervenciones para la cualificación del espacio. La urbanística, es el conjunto de técnicas que derivadas del urbanismo sirven para la intervención urbana, en ellas se sistematizan los procesos urbanos a fin de lograr una eficacia de la intervención urbana. Existen diversas corrientes del pensamiento urbanístico a decir de: La planificación estratégica, la planificación urbana, la renovación urbana, entre otras. De manera concreta es la acción de urbanización la que interviene en búsqueda de la organización de la ciudad y el territorio. La denominación de quienes se dedican a esta profesión son los urbanistas, sin embargo de acuerdo a las normas de los países y las regiones estos pueden llamarse planificadores urbanos, peritos en urbanismo, técnicos en urbanismo, ingenieros catastrales. En muchos países, el urbanismo es una especialización o extensión de las profesiones de arquitectura, ingeniería civil o derecho. El ordenamiento territorial es una normativa, con fuerza de ley, que regula el uso del territorio, definiendo los usos posibles para las diversas áreas en que se ha dividido el territorio, ya sea el país como un todo o una subdivisión político‐administrativa del mismo. En general, se reserva el término ordenamiento territorial para definir la normativa; mientras que el proceso y la técnica para llegar a dicha normativa, se conocen como ordenación del territorio, planificación territorial o planificación regional (regional planning), y puede ser definida como una disciplina científica, una técnica administrativa y una política concebida como un enfoque interdisciplinario y global, cuyo objetivo es un desarrollo equilibrado de las regiones y la organización física del espacio, según un concepto rector. El ordenamiento territorial orientado a un área urbanizada o en proceso de urbanización, se puede denominar también ordenamiento urbano. Es un proceso político, en la medida que involucrada toma de decisiones concertadas de los factores sociales, económicos, políticos y técnicos, para la ocupación ordenada y uso sostenible del territorio. Asimismo, es un proceso técnico administrativo porque orienta la regulación y promoción de la localización y desarrollo de los asentamientos humanos, de las actividades económicas, sociales y el desarrollo físico espacial. La urbanística es la planificación de los diversos lugares y ambientes en los que se desarrolla la vida material, sentimental y espiritual en todas sus manifestaciones, individuales y colectivas, y comprende tanto los asentamientos urbanos como los rurales. La urbanística no puede someterse en exclusiva a las normas de un esteticismo gratuito sino que su naturaleza es esencialmente funcional. Generalmente se entiende que el urbanismo no es más que la práctica de la urbanística, la cual es la disciplina científica correspondiente a la ciencia y arte de la planificación urbana. El urbanismo tradicionalmente se ha asociado a la arquitectura en cuanto a que esta disciplina se aplica al conjunto de conocimientos prácticos que proporcionan las bases fundamentales para resolver los problemas de las ciudades. Esta dualidad permite entrever el carácter descriptivo y explicativo de la urbanística como ciencia frente al carácter prescriptivo del urbanismo como práctica o técnica, incluso como arte, aunque ambos enfoques son parcialmente correctos y se realimentan mutuamente.Las teorías de la urbanística están en estrecha relación y convergen con otras disciplinas interesadas en el estudio de la ciudad y el territorio y en la intervención sobre ambos como: la arquitectura, la ingeniería civil, las ciencias políticas, la ecología, la geografía, la economía, el derecho, la sociología, etc., así otras ciencias humanas como: la historia, la antropología, la lingüística, la semiótica, etc. Como campo profesional, las prácticas y técnicas de planificación urbana intervienen en la aplicación de las políticas urbanas de equipamientos, de vivienda, de infraestructuras y transporte, de medio ambiente y protección a la naturaleza, de gestión de Recursos, etc. El bienestar de la población (residente o forastera) que habita o se encuentra ocasionalmente en la ciudad o el territorio constituye el objeto último de la urbanización, término que fue acuñado por Ildefonso Cerdá el cual describía así la referida actividad: «He aquí las razones filosóficas que me indujeron y decidieron a aportar la palabra urbanización, no sólo para indicar cualquier acto que tienda a agrupar la edificación ya regularizar su funcionamiento en el grupo ya formato, sino también el conjunto de principios, doctrinas y reglas que deben aplicarse, para que la edificación y su agrupamiento, lejos de comprimir, desvirtuar y corromper las facultades físicas, morales e intelectuales de hombre social, sirvan tanto para fomentar su desarrollo y vigor como para aumentar el bienestar individual, cuya suma forma la felicidad pública.» (Fuente: “Ildefonso Cerdá y el nacimiento de la Urbanística”, por Javier García‐Bellido).Urbanismo y Ordenación del TerritorioMaster Universitario en Ingeniería Caminos, Canales y Puerto

    Manual para la integración de infraestructuras viarias en la trama urbana: caso Ronda Oeste en Murcia

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    La integración urbana de las grandes infraestructuras viales en las principales ciudades de España es un desafío de futuro que tarde o temprano que tarde o temprano deberán ir afrontando las ciudades de nuestro país. Los cinturones de circunvalación creados en las décadas de los 60, 70 y 80 son ahora barreras que o bien fracturan las ciudades o bien generan un efecto de estrangulamiento en su trama urbana. El presente trabajo analiza un caso de ciudad de tamaño medio-grande en la escala territorial española como Murcia. Este manual sirve de base para el trabajo de curso de la asignatura “Planificación y Gestión Territorial” de 2º curso del Máster de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT).Planificación y Gestión TerritorialMáster de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puerto